* IMPORTANT NOTE #1: replace all bracketed text with your ESP's tags - including placing your affiate ID in the links. * IMPORTANT NOTE #2: it is recommended to use text surrounded by 2 hyphens (--) as the link text for maximum ctr. * IMPORTANT NOTE #3: choose 1 subject line and the matching link text from the top link - remove the other 2. (Tip: for best results the subject line should mirror the top link text.) -------------------------------------------------- SUBJECT 1: simple power ritual ([FNAME]'s eyes only) SUBJECT 2: your spell is almost ready SUBJECT 3: [FNAME]'s strange ritual appears BODY: Dear [FNAME], I'm feeling your energy today... and I'm going to ask you a simple series of questions. Please be honest... .. because Rose will use your answers to "pop out" the perfect spell just for you, at this moment in your life... --Simple power ritual ([FNAME]'s eyes only)-- --your spell is almost ready-- --[FNAME]'s strange ritual appears-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells&r=5 ... please cast carefully before the week is done. <3 Next... a neat little wishing stone spell Rose gave me, to give to you. :) Once you have the stone, you can keep this in your pocket and cast it whenever you wish... Your Wishing Stone Of Miracles What you'll need: * 1 piece of amber. That's it! :) Step 1: Get a piece of amber. Step 2: Hold the stone in your left hand while focusing on your wish... and visualizing how it will FEEL when your wish comes true. Not "if"... but "when". Step 3: While you are visualizing, rub the amber with your left thumb in a clockwise motion. (This is very important) Step 4: During the day, keep the amber in your left pocket and rub it periodically during the day. Step 5: At night, place it in your favorite charm bag and place it under your pillow. So... do your simple power ritual within the next few days. --Simple power ritual ([FNAME]'s eyes only)-- --your spell is almost ready-- --[FNAME]'s strange ritual appears-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells&r=5 That will open the doors to your wish. Then follow up with your Wishing Stone Of Miracles... ... then watch the Magick Happen. <3 - [SIGNATURE] P.S. Rose the "good witch" has taken greate care in crafting your personal ritual of power...but you must answer the questions honestly for it to work. [FNAME]'s personal "power ritual"... https://www.simplemysticmiracles.com/q/power-ritual/q-1.php?a=46