* IMPORTANT NOTE #1: replace all bracketed text with your ESP's tags - including placing your affiate ID in the links. * IMPORTANT NOTE #2: it is recommended to use text surrounded by 2 hyphens (--) as the link text for maximum ctr. -------------------------------------------------- EMAIL #1 SUBJECT: predicting [FIRSTNAME]'s mystical powers BODY: WOW [FIRSTNAME]... Sometimes the Universe needs to reach out a bonk you on the head when something life-changing comes along. [BONK!] Feel that? Do I have your attention? Good. Who knows... it's possible your journey with me has all led to this moment... --Predicting [FIRSTNAME]'s mystical powers-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells See, some people like to play it safe and use the energy of the cosmos to see the future. You know, tarot, astrology, numerology, and stuff like that. Others like to get a bit more exciting... and use this universal energy to CHANGE the future. Your future. All by doing little rituals from the comfort of your own home. Each one takes 5 minutes and can attract prosperity, love, luck, and happiness into your life. How does it work? You'll see...but only if you've got ability... --Rose's Magick Ability Test-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells Don't get nervous... ;) - [SIGNATURE] P.S. You know how your thoughts and emotions can affect your physical body? Your thoughts and emotions can also attract the things you want in life...and get rid of the things you don't. Not everyone can do it though... --Check your level of spell casting power-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells -------------------------------------------------- EMAIL #2: SUBJECT: Is your "Magick Ability" at least a 6? BODY: [FIRSTNAME]... what is your "Magickal Ability" on a scale from 1 to 10? Are you "in tune" with the universe enough to use your change your life with your thoughts and emotions? That's all a Magick Spell really is. And if you get at least a "6" on Rose's Magick Ability Test, you can make real changes in your life with Magick. This is the first step... --Is your "Magick Ability" at least a 6?-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells It's true: most "humans" have wondered what is possible in the mystical realm. More importantly, you wonder what is possible for YOU. Find out what you can do... --Take the 30-second Magick Ability Test-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells This should be interesting... ;) - [SIGNATURE] -------------------------------------------------- EMAIL #3: SUBJECT: gifted at birth (for [FIRSTNAME]) BODY: Just a quick note, [FIRSTNAME], to say it's possible you were born with special "gifts". This simple little "Magick Quiz" will let you know exactly what you are capable of... --Gifted at birth (for [FIRSTNAME])-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells Please, don't be nervous. No matter what happens, your score is only part of the story... though it is important. ;) Just answer the simple questions honestly - from the heart. It'll only take you about 30 seconds, and it's fun! This is my last reminder to you, [FIRSTNAME]. I got a lot out of this, and I think you will too. It's time to find out exactly what you can do with your natural "gifts". --Truth about [FIRSTNAME]'s power-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells Prepare to be amazed... - [SIGNATURE]