* IMPORTANT NOTE #1: replace all bracketed text with your ESP's tags - including placing your affiate ID in the links. * IMPORTANT NOTE #2: it is recommended to use text surrounded by 2 hyphens (--) as the link text for maximum ctr. -------------------------------------------------- EMAIL #1 SUBJECT: Your soul is about to speak (answer honestly) BODY: Dear [FNAME], Today a reading from your soul. <3 There's more to your horoscope - and your sign - than meets the eye. Much more. The catch? You've got to be honest. Don't spend more than 5 seconds on *any* of these questions. Let your intuition be your guide, and answer quickly - the first answer that seems right. Don't "hem and haw". (My Grandmother always used to tell me that!) Let intuition be your guide when you answer these questions... --Your soul is about to speak (answer honestly)-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells&r=1 Things are changing - that is for certain. How? That's for you to discover by diving into the complex energy that is... [FNAME]. You are beautiful... and complex...and absolutely magnificent in every way. I care about you. And I'd love for you to take a peek into your energy...and see what you may find. It's different every single day... as is your experience here in this life. Things are not always as they seem... So, your horoscope was wrong? Here's why... --[FNAME]'s "personality sign" reading-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells&r=1 And now...it is time for me to get outside for a hike on the lovely trails above the sea. If I climb high enough, I'll look for thee. :) (Yes, I'm a poet and I know it! <3) - [SIGNATURE] -------------------------------------------------- EMAIL #2 SUBJECT: incorrect horoscope ([FNAME]'s sign is wrong?) BODY: Dear [FNAME], I rarely use this word - because I've seen so many mystical and surprising things in my life... But, "WOW'. :) Rose has really put something fun, interesting, and unique together in the form of a little quiz to correct any "glitch" in your Astrology Horoscope. --incorrect horoscope ([FNAME]'s sign is wrong?)-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells&r=1 ... I want to make sure you saw this. You see... you are NOT just a "product" of the date you were born. Your birth-date cannot tell you the EXACT type of person you are... or "divine" what will happen in your future with perfect accuracy. But your SOUL can. Your PERSONALITY can. The person you ARE deep inside can. And this "Personality Astrology Test" will uncover the truth about your birth sign. Are you really what you think you are? Or are you something else entirely? And WHAT does it all mean? Incorrect Horoscope? Is your sign different? Find out... --Rose's "Astrology Personality" Test (free)-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells&r=1 ...the future lies within your heart and soul... as it ALWAYS has. Enjoy... and be ready for another amazing Magickal Spell this coming Friday... I think it'll be perfect for you, [FNAME]. ;) - [SIGNATURE] -------------------------------------------------- EMAIL #3 SUBJECT: [FNAME]'s horoscope error?" Dear [FNAME], Whether reading a fortune cookie... visiting a palm reader, fortune teller, tarot reader... or simply reading your daily horoscope, the question on almost everyone's mind is: "How accurate is this? Is this really true? Will this really happen to me?" And while your horoscope may seem quite accurate at times - it's possible you're not getting the correct "story" about your future. In fact, it's possible one of the other astrological signs is a better fortune teller than your birth sign! Your "sign" may have it all wrong. After much research, my friend Rose has created a simple Astrology Energy tool that will reveal how closely YOUR personal energy matches the energy of your sign. The best part: you'll discover your "personality sign". The sign that best aligns with the person you are inside. It's fun, free, and at the end you'll discover your FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD astrological signs. --[FNAME]'s "Personality Sign" Is...-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells&r=1 Once we discover which astrology signs best align with your soul, I'll tell you exactly what it all means - simply, safely, and from the comfort of your home. I believe you are a special and BEAUTIFUL "blend" of signs [FNAME]! Just answer the multiple choice questions as honestly as you can. It's a quick little 30-second Magickal journey you'll be glad you took with me... <3 [SIGNATURE] P.S. There's much more going on "behind the scenes" in Astrology... and now you can get the fascinating full story about the person you are, and what you can expect to happen next... --Free "Personality Sign" Astrology Test By Rose Ariadne-- https://hop.clickbank.net/?affiliate=[YOUR CB AFFILIATE ID]&vendor=simspells&r=1